Friday, June 20, 2008

Today's Purchases

Okay, so I saw a so-so trellis in a mail order catalogue for $17.99. I also saw a huge massive arching one for about $25. So I walked myself to True Value and bought this trellis for about $ shipping, no handling. It is now plunked down by my Morning Glories. No more broken sticks to climb for my little babies. Maybe I should plant them in ground instead of the pot...before they get too attached and I can't move them.I also broke down and bought some Miracle Grow, because I am absolutely convinced there is no nutritional value to the dirt in front of my apartment. Last year it supported zinnias, petunias and marigolds with no problem, all they needed was sun and water. So like I said, today I broke down and headed to the Miracle Grow isle. I thought the watering can singles would be cheap and easy....not the case. The box of little packets gives you .64 lbs of fertilizer for about six bucks. OR you can buy the a pound box of the same fertilizer (sans individual plastic pouches) for four dollars. Needless to say I bought the pound box, and so far I have used more than half of it.
With the trellis in one hand and the Miracle Grow in the other, I had no more hands with which to carry things and made my way to the check out. Never take a cart, and never take a car if you can help can only have what you can carry. It's a pretty good rule, because there were some pots and some plants that wanted to go home with me too...(the only time to break this rule is when buying large quantities of potting soil, or mulch)

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