Friday, April 25, 2008

Good Customer Service & Too Many Pictures

First things first, a shout out to the customer service people at MI Bulb. I was really dissapointed that my Rembrandt order came up as red tulips. The red ones, were nice, but obviously not what I ordered. One e-mail to MI Bulb and they are now sending me a full order of Rembrants, due to arrive on my doorstep in September. No haggling, no drama, just more (the right) tulips. I'm very pleased considering I was prepared to not get any response from them.
Okay, on to second things. Tulips are coming one at a time now. Today a light pink in my pastel grouping. And the peach pastel is turning orange. Lots of pictures below....probably way more than you care to see :)

new pastel pink


pastels angle 2

pastels angle 3 (I know I couldn't stop myself)

peach turns to orange

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